

🇺🇸3/17に日本育種学会講演会(東京大学)グループ研究集会にて、UCSDのYunde ZHAO先生に植物ゲノム編集技術とオーキシン研究について講演をしていただきました!

UCSDのYunde ZHAO先生のSpecial Seminarのご紹介です.






On improving gene editing technology for auxin research and crop improvement

Yunde Zhao  

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0116, USA  

Gene editing has revolutionized both basic plant biological research and crop improvement. My group has developed several technologies that enable speedy and precise modifications of genes in plants. Our technologies including Ribozyme-based CRIPSR, Transgene Killer CRISPR, and the RUBY reporter gene have been widely used in both plants and animals. The technological advances provide unprecedented tools for us to study auxin biology, a main focus of our research program. In this presentation, I will first describe our recent unpublished progress in Homology-Directed Repair, which enables us to in situ tag genes with green fluorescent protein and other epitopes. Our technologies avoid the pitfalls of transgenic approaches such as co-suppression and ectopic overexpression. The technologies have led to surprising insights into several well characterized auxin genes and a discovery of new genetic interaction model called “haplo-complementation”.